Adjustable Stirrup Ankle Brace With BOA - DR-A082
SKU: DR-A082
Ankle Instability & Laxity|Protection of Malleoli
- Mild Distortion, Sprain & Strain on the Ankle Ligament (Inversion & Eversion)
- Ligament lesions (LCL/MCL Damages)|Tibiofibular & Lateral ligament InjuriesIt will be worn with a shoe without left and right
- Detachable Lateral & medial two Stirrup Shells prevent inflammation & sprains of introversion
& extroversion of the ankle joint & minimizing its re-injury
- The BOA® Fit System provides micro – adjustable compression and stabilization on the arch & the ankle
- The BOA® Fit System provides the easy way to the user to by turning the dial for patient’s desiring compressionNeoprene, PP, Nylon, Polyester, Rubber, Aluminum